Posts in Guide
Reaper-Hellion Openings in TvT

The Terran versus Terran mirror match-up has always had a wide range of potential openings and early-game play styles, from gas first aggression to fast expansions, a lot of things can work out in TvT. The Reaper-Hellion opening was initially a Wings of Liberty build which involved an early Medivac to attack from inside your opponents main base. In Heart of the Swarm the build saw some use as well as a way to open with strong map control and pressure, with a later command center.

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+1 Zergling-Ravager Opening in ZvP

An early game melee upgrade has become very common in the Zerg vs Protoss match-up in Legacy of the Void. It carries well into the mid-game with Mutalisk based compositions and also into the late game when heading towards Ultralisks. This opening looks at setting up a Zergling-Ravager composition to defend from early aggression and all-ins while putting you into a position where you can transition into a mid & late game style of your choosing.

We focus on a Mutalisk transition but the flexibility and adaptability of this opening is what makes it so fun to play! During DreamHack Winter we saw this opening being used to head into Lurker-Hydralisk-Viper compositions, fast Hive tech for Ultralisks and much more.

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TY's Fast 3 Command Center Opening in TvP

This guide looks at a build which TY used multiple times at the recent DreamHack which has a strong synergy with the current meta-game. By taking fast three command centers but opening with a defensive Cyclone and Siege Tanks, TY is able to comfortably move into the mid-game while swatting away most aggression aimed towards him. Once into the mid-game the Siege Tanks create an extra layer of defense, which you can work with in order to fend off attacks while harassing and moving into your late-game army composition of Liberator-Ghost.

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Adept-Warp Prism into Dark Templar in PvT

The PvT match-up has taken a bit of a 180 since Heart of the Swarm, where Terran players commanded the early and mid-game and tried to stop the Protoss late game army from ever being assembled. Nowadays it is the other way around, with the power of Liberators Terran players find themselves quite comfortable with the game continuing to a later stage and it's the Protoss players who look to be aggressive early and to create a strong foot-hold for themselves before that late game comes around.

This build looks to do exactly that : be aggressive early with not one but two waves of aggression while back at home following up with upgrades and furthering your tech tree so that you are ready to defend a third base and move into the later stages of the game.

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